
stc partners with Ericsson for 5G Core and BSS transformation for 5G standalone

As part of Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) and stc’s ongoing partnership to transform its network, stc has selected Ericsson 5G Standalone Core (5GC), Policy and Charging solutions to capitalize on the consumer and enterprise service offerings enabled by full 5G.
Ericsson’s state-of-the-art 5G Core solution includes Ericsson’s cloud-native 5G standalone packet core, 5G Subscriber Data Management, 5G Resource Controller, 5G Signaling solutions enabling an open ecosystem that allows the integration of third-party applications. Furthermore, the deployment of Ericsson’s Cloud Native Infrastructure will support the massive scale, performance, and reliability required for the delivery of stc’s innovative 5G services. The architecture of the 5G Core gives stc the flexibility to be responsive to market demands while controlling costs at a time of growing network complexity. Developed around cloud-native and DevOps/automation & orchestration principles, Ericsson’s 5GC will also automate the lifecycle management of stc’s networks, as well as enable continuous software delivery and integration.
This comes along with the partnership between Ericsson and stc in the Business Support System (BSS) domain where Ericsson’s Ericsson Charging System and Service-Aware Policy Controller SAPC/PCF delivers the latest technology of virtual Charging Access Function (vCAF) into the 5G Core Standalone solution has enabled stc to launch the SA network with 5G-ready BSS. Ericsson BSS aligns closely with stc’s considerable charging system footprint in the Kingdom. It will also enable stc to leverage new evolving technologies through the rapid introduction of new business models, multi-sided partnerships, integration of new devices, and the ability to base charging on any service characteristics. In December 2021, Ericsson and stc have successfully completed a test call and implementation is now in its final stages.
Yazeed Alfaris, Applications VP at stc says: “Our main goal is to ensure that our customers across Saudi Arabia enjoy advance digital solutions and services more quickly and efficiently. Our strategic partnership with Ericsson aims to create a pathway for the nation’s digital transformation objectives Which fully aligns with Saudi Vision 2030.”
Bader Abdullah Allhieb, Infrastructure Sector VP at stc says: “The successful completion of the test call in December 2021 is an important milestone in stc’s readiness to rollout a comprehensive 5G Standalone network to our customers across the region. We are ready and helping to create a pathway for the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia digital transformation goals.”
Mathias Johansson, Vice President and Head of Customer Unit Saudi Arabia and Egypt at Ericsson Middle East and Africa says: “Digital evolution is a key enabler for realizing Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 -geared towards building a digital society, a digital economy and a digital nation. 5G offers the potential to drive new services and deliver on differentiated experiences for consumers and enterprises. Ericsson is committed to continue supporting stc in this journey and deliver excellency and seamlessly enable services in the 5G Core, BSS and network in support of stc paving the way to realize Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.”
Lucky La Ricca, Vice President and Head of Digital Services at Ericsson Middle East and Africa says: “The successful completion of the test calls of 5G Standalone solutions mark the founding of stc’s next generation 5G SA offering to its customers. As a strategic partner, it is a demonstration of our intention to provide advanced solutions to support stc’s 5G offering and a testimony to the vital role Ericsson is playing to support the Kingdom’s vision by bringing the latest technology innovation to the country.”
As stc enhance a digital services with the introduction of 5G, the Ericsson 5GC and Charging system will optimize stc subscriber experience, provide business agility and innovation as well as personalized and targeted notifications, alerts, and incentives. The partnership contribute in stc vision to be fast, agile, and flexible in its environment to deliver great experiences to customers, operate efficiently, and deliver innovative new offerings that target specific user preferences, thereby improving time to market.

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