The Algerian Golden Dunes grant honorary membership to the Mecca Youth Scouts

Mecca Habib Aba Photography by Bassam Ali
The Golden Dunes Association for Tourism and Traditional Industry in the Algerian state of Ouargla granted a number of friends of the Mecca Youth Scouts team affiliated with the Neighborhood Centers Association honorary membership and the golden scarf. This came during the celebration that took place at the home of the scout leader Othman Khalifa Madani in appreciation of their role and efforts in serving the community and developing social responsibility in Mecca and supporting and encouraging the Mecca Youth Scouts team. The association president, scout leader Belkhayr Ahmed Taqarti, received the membership for them, and they are Sheikh Abdul Rahman Shuaib Abu Rami, businessmen Musa Saleh Baraka, owner of Abu Yasser restaurants, scout leader Ali Bakr Hawsawi, and the general commander of the Mecca Youth Scouts team in the Neighborhood Centers Association in Mecca, scout leader Bakr Ibrahim al-Tambukti, and scout leader Engineer Imam Bakr Barnawi. During the ceremony, scout leader Ali Bakr Hawsawi gave a speech in which he thanked the colleague scout leader journalist Othman Khalifa Madani and the Golden Dunes Association for Tourism and Traditional Industry from the state of Ouargla in the Republic of Algeria for this honor. The ceremony was attended by Scout Leader Ahmed Al-Hajj Khamis Zakaria, Scout Leader Zakaria Ramadan Barnawi, Vice President of Al-Mansour Neighborhood Center, International Referee Abdulrahman Mohammed Al-Salmi, Professor Bilal Ahmed Zikria, Young Ahmed Shihab Al-Din Taqrati, and Captain Nour Jaloul, coach of the first football team of Bish in Bish Station in Jazan Region. At the end of the ceremony, Scout Leader Balkhair Ahmed Taqrati handed over shields and commemorative gifts to the honorees and those being celebrated. After that, commemorative photos were taken on this occasion. On the women’s side, the educator Aziza Al-Siyasi Bada, Professor Kalthoum Ahmed Zakaria, the young Mabrouka Belkhair Taqrati, and Belqis Belkhair Taqrati were honored.