Happy anniversary! Over two years, inDrive.Services has helped Egyptians with hundreds of thousands of tasks

inDrive.Services is celebrating its second anniversary in Egypt, where users of the app have sought assistance with everything from cleaning to pet-sitting and language tutors.
Need some help? For every household task that arises, there’s someone who can do it well – the challenge is simply to find them. inDrive.Services makes this easier by providing a platform that connects people looking for help, with the right person to do the job.
And, after two years in Egypt, inDrive.Services has helped more than 100,000 users, facilitating close to 200,000 tasks in Cairo, Alexandria – and more recently Ismaïlia, Mansoura and Tanta – demonstrating the platform’s value.
Top-paying and most popular jobs
Among the services that earned the biggest checks over the past summer, babysitting tops the list, followed by house painting, loading, and housekeeping.
The most popular services countrywide were cleaning; air conditioner repair and installation; housekeeping; electrical work; and in fifth place, plumbing.
The platform also provides access to car washing services, language tutors, renovation and construction, beauty services, and many more besides.
“We’ve had some surprising task requests appear on the platform,” Anna Naumova, Marketing Lead at inDrive.Services. “Whatever service you’re looking for – as long as it’s legal, you can make your request on our app.”

How it works:
Anyone who uses inDrive’s app for ride-hailing, courier or delivery services, will recognise the process: Customers register on the app, and offer their own price for the service they need. Specialists may accept the offer or suggest a counteroffer, and the customer can then choose their best option (also taking into account the specialist’s ratings and reviews).
This person-to-person communication makes the process transparent and fair, putting people directly in control of negotiating any given service.
“This anniversary is definitely something to celebrate,” says Anna. “It shows that there’s a genuine need for this service – not only for customers, but also for specialists of all kinds, who now have a convenient way to find more jobs and so increase their income. As with inDrive’s other offerings, it empowers self-motivated entrepreneurs.”