
TAWAL showcases smart ICT solutions as Gold Sponsor at LEAP 2022

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – gulftech : TAWAL, the leading Saudi ICT Infrastructure Company, has announced its participation as a gold sponsor at LEAP 2022. The global platform for future technologies is being held at the Riyadh Front Expo Centre, Saudi Arabia, from February 1st – 3rd, 2022.

From its booth no. 10 in Hall 3, as an exhibitor, TAWAL will be showcasing its capabilities through an Augmented Reality showcase, demonstrating its ICT solutions, products, and services in an engaging and innovative manner.

TAWAL’s interactive showcase will include its smart city services and case studies of how TAWAL enables urban transformation through smart ICT infrastructure. The company will also highlight its Smart Tower, capable of hosting multiple IoT-enabled smart sensors enabling organizations to run operations efficiently. TAWAL will also showcase the Smart Pole, which offers 5G capabilities and can carry weather sensors, surveillance cameras, and other futuristic technologies such as drone landing pads for charging. The smart pole can also be used as a car charging station. Finally, attendees will also experience TAWAL’s Augmented Reality showcase to get a view of the company’s innovative products and solutions.  

Mohammed Alhakbani, Chief Executive Officer, TAWAL, said: “TAWAL is investing in powering the future of smart cities and helping its clients and partners develop infrastructure and ICT capabilities for the future. We are boosting local innovation capabilities, servicing the demand for increased connectivity, and supporting the digital transformation called for in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. At LEAP 2022, we will take our audiences on an immersive journey bringing together our capabilities, products, and services to show how we are serving enterprises, mega-projects, government, and private sector entities.”

TAWAL will also participate in thought leadership, debate, and conversations on LEAP’s stage. On February 1st, 2022, TAWAL’s Chief Commercial Officer Abdulrahman Al Moaiqel will discuss the role of ICT infrastructure in enabling the leap to smart cities. The next day, on the 2nd, TAWAL’s Chief Strategy & Governance Officer Richard Ltaif will participate in a session on smart cities for a smart nation, discussing how technology and innovation can reshape cities to improve sustainability, efficiency, and quality of life.

TAWAL is a leading Saudi ICT infrastructure company that offers state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure solutions to supply a growing industry. TAWAL is well-positioned to lead the next hi-tech transformation by offering the ideal answer to customers in search of a reliable and cost-efficient ICT infrastructure that would ensure optimal operations for their business. Currently, a key player in the Saudi telecommunications infrastructure industry, the company aspires to extend its coverage to embrace the whole region.

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