
Abdulaziz International Schools Are Home to an Impressive List of Graduates

RIYADH, gulftech – Since more than 20 years, Abdulaziz International Schools have been graduating students from the national and international communities in Riyadh who belong to an exclusive, yet expanding group of individuals who have leveraged the strong foundation they gained through a SABIS®  education and gone on to achieve success in college and beyond.

As members of the global SABIS® Network, Abdulaziz International Schools (AIS) use the SABIS® Educational System: a well-structured, multi-faceted, comprehensive, and dynamic educational system designed to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge and valuable 21st century skills, a lifelong love of learning, and the ability to adapt to and lead change.

The international curriculum offered at AIS is aligned with national and international standards and is approved by the Saudi Ministry of Education.  It provides knowledge of a broad range of subjects and is designed to prepare students for local and externally recognized exams like Qudorat and Tahsili, as well as IGCSEs, SATs, Advanced Placement® (AP®), TOEFL, and IELTS. Year after year, AIS students have achieved excellent marks on these exams. This achievement, coupled with the valuable life skills nurtured at the school, has helped graduates gain acceptance to top universities, both locally and worldwide.

An example of this success is Ibrahim AlKuraya, a senior at AIS-Sulaimaniah who will be heading off to Harvard University this Fall. Ibrahim started his journey with AIS in KG 1, and has earned remarkable grades, honors, awards, and accomplishments that include, but are not limited to, writing the first book of Japanese poetry to be published in Saudi Arabia, publishing literature in multiple journals, receiving recognition as a Mawhiba gifted student and being selected for their excellence program as well as an ambassador, and founding his own awareness program for other Saudi students.   

According to Ibrahim, his time at AIS taught him valuable life skills and provided him with learning opportunities that allowed him to unlock his full potential. Here is what he has to say on his experience at AIS:

“If it weren’t for SABIS®, I wouldn’t have been accepted to an Ivy League School, on a full scholarship. I have studied an international, college-preparatory curriculum and learned in environments which are focused on optimizing learning efficiency. I also benefited from the use of SABIS® cutting-edge technology. I understood and learned what it meant to be a leader, and I was given the opportunity to develop those skills through the SABIS® Student Life Organization. Abdulaziz International School provides every student with a top-quality education that prepares him to meet the challenges of a changing world.”

Another student who credits AIS for helping her reach new heights is Joud Al Zayer. Joud joined AIS as a Grade 4 student who mostly kept to herself. With the help of her teachers, classmates, and the SABIS® Educational System, Joud was able to boost her confidence. The change in Joud’s disposition also played an important role in her developing excellent academic skills.

Being so involved in the school helped Joud grow from a shy, quiet little girl into a self-assured young woman who today attends the University of Manchester on a full scholarship. Hear from Joud on the power of an AIS education:

When I joined Abdulaziz International School, I didn’t know the potential I had, but there were a lot of resources for me to do well, and the teachers at AIS never gave up on me and my classmates. The power of the education I got at AIS is evident. I got accepted in the University of Manchester and was granted a full scholarship from the Saudi government. Thanks to the rigorous, advanced classwork at SABIS®, I was able to hit the ground running when I entered college and was ready to compete against some of the brightest students at Manchester.”

Over 20 years later, AIS’s commitment to providing their students with the best chance for success remains unchanged. Students who graduate from these schools will continue to join an impressive group of alumni who has gone on to attend top universities around the world, work for prestigious organizations, and make a real difference in their communities.

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