
Ericsson KSA empowers local female talents

In line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) 2030 Vision, Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) is working
towards empowering more Saudi women in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM).
As of December 2020, the overall company representation stands at 25% women. Moreover, Ericsson is
actively taking steps to increase that number. In particular, Ericsson Saudi Arabia has recently hired over
100 Saudi fresh graduates in 2020 as part of its graduates program and out of these, 50 per cent are
In-light with these plans, Ericsson recently has participated in the Women’s Enablement Summit hosted
by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT). Hessa Al-Quwaiee, Innovation
Hub Manager at Ericsson Saudi Arabia, praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts at supporting and empowering
women in the industry. She highlighted Ericsson KSA’s efforts at enabling women in the STEM industry
with an achievement of raising the percentage of women from seven percent to fifteen percent in the past
three years through a strong strategy to employ more women and particularly female engineers.
In its 145-year history, Ericsson has continually demonstrated its longstanding commitment to empower
women in the STEM field. Ericsson aims to have 30% of its workforce comprising of female employees.
KSA 2030 Vision aims to create one million jobs for women. In 2020, the Saudi female labor force
participation increased from 25.9 percent in the first quarter to 31.4 percent in the second quarter. With
country-specific programs and initiatives, Ericsson confirms its commitment towards the KSA 2030 Vision
and its role as enabler of an ecosystem that can support Saudi Arabia’s socio-economic growth.

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