
FLYING WHALES at the Dubai World Expo how France is reinventing futuristic mobility solutions for remote and landlocked areas

gulftech – The France Pavilion at the Dubai World Expo is delighted to showcase FLYING WHALES
as part of its permanent exhibition. With its unique solution for providing sustainable cargo transport
to landlocked and isolated regions around the world, FLYING WHALES is fully in tune with the
challenges of building the world of tomorrow – a world the France Pavilion will be bringing to light over the
next six months.

The Dubai World Expo will be the biggest gathering of 2021. Expo 2020 Dubai is the first world expo to
be held in the MEASA region (Middle East, Africa, and South Asia), and is centred around the theme of
“Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.” Expo 2020 Dubai brings together more than 200 participants
representing various entities — countries, organisations, companies, and academic establishments — and
is expected to receive some 25 million visitors.
World Expos of this kind have always ranked among the most eagerly anticipated international events,
alongside the Olympic Games and the World Cup. They carry on a proud and longstanding history,
beginning with the first ever Great Exhibition held in London in 1851.
The ambitions set by these expos have evolved over the decades, and today lean towards international
cooperation and the search for solutions to the challenges humanity faces. Over six months, every
country in the world will come together to discuss, propose and implement practical solutions for the
benefit of all humankind.

The France Pavilion:

a unique setting to showcase and promote French excellence and savoir-faire
In Dubai, the France Pavilion’s role is to place France at the centre of the international stage by
promoting her innovations, talents and assets, serving as an unforgettable showcase for French
excellence and expertise.
France is also setting out to position itself as an international driving force for the implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN, and for rebuilding the post-health crisis
world. As part of this approach, the Pavilion will shine a spotlight on initiatives and innovations with the
power to address the challenges of economic, social, ecological and cultural transformation in our
society. By developing the LCA60T, a modern and safe airship unprecedented in its applications,
FLYING WHALES showcases a unique and ecological solution for opening up access to isolated or
landlocked regions around the world.
With its imposing presence at what is set to be the most important international gathering of 2021, the
France Pavilion will also be playing a role in stimulating French economic growth. Indeed, this
international gathering is a unique chance for companies to rebound economically, by creating new
development opportunities and facilitating access to new markets.
“I am delighted to have FLYING WHALES as an official partner
of the France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The involvement
of this young industrial firm at this international event fully
demonstrates our desire to bring together ALL of our country’s
talents in order to showcase French excellence and expertise.”

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