In Collaboration with the Ministry of Health Thakher Development Company Organizes Blood Donation Event

Thakher Development Company, the master developer of the master plan and infrastructure of Thakher Makkah project, organized a blood donation event, with the participation of the company’s staff, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility program.
The company said that the blood donation event was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia.
“Blood donation is a humanitarian and noble responsibility towards society, and therefore we are pleased that the event was able to contribute to helping patients and all people who need blood, as well as supporting the health of donors,” said Eng. Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al-Aboudi, CEO of Thakher Development Company.
“As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program, we are committed to participating in all voluntary and humanitarian activities in Saudi Arabia, which aim to consolidate the values of giving and social solidarity and spread awareness about health benefits of donating blood. While business is important, human lives are of the ultimate importance, reason why we participate in the blood donation”, Al-Aboudi added.
Eng. Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al-Aboudi expressed his gratitude to everyone who participated in organizing the blood donation event, and the company’s employees for their humanitarian and voluntary work for the sake of society health.